
Bulletin Announcements 11/17/2024

Announcements original original


~Christmas for Kids in Need!   DSS and Oasis of Hope Foster Kids.

            We hope to assist both locations to help provide a better Christmas for the children.

~DSS:  10 Names from DSS – Please see them posted in the left side room.  Deadline is December 4, 2024, please leave wrapped or bagged gifts with tag/number in left side room.

 ~Oasis of Hope:  12 Gift Cards - They request that we provide gift cards in order to make it easier for the foster parents to purchase gifts for the foster children in their homes.  They ask for them to be Amazon gift cards in increments of $25 or $50.  Or you can make a donation of these amounts to the church, noted that it is for Oasis, the church will purchase the cards.  Deadline for cards or donation December 4, 2024.

~Church list of names and addresses on the table in left side room.  A mail box will be placed at the front door for Christmas card, when the church is decorated for Christmas.  Cards will be sorted & placed in piles on the front pews.

~November 23, 2024 – Men’s Ministry Breakfast, 8:00 am, FLC.  For more details, please see Nick McReynolds.

~November 24, 2024- Thanksgiving Meal, 12:00, FLC

Please make plans to join the fellowship, fun and good food, and to sign up to help with side dishes, desserts and drinks.  See sign-up sheet in left side room.  For question, see Cindy Ashenfelder or any member of Social Team.

~ November 24, 2024 – Heart-4-Anderson, 5:30 pm, Courthouse, Downtown

 Bag Bundles; includes: a blanket, stocking cap (beanie), gloves, a pair of socks, neck scarfs in a drawstring bag, along with a ziplock bag of hygiene products.  $15 to  sponsor one of these Heart-4-Anderson Bags.  We also need new or slightly used clothing items (hoodies, sweatshirts, coats, shirts, pants), shoes, undergarments, throws, extra hygiene products.  Volunteers needed and donations for the meal. We will meet at the church to load up the van at 4:30 pm

~November 30, 2024 – Decorating the sanctuary for Christmas, 9:30 am.  Volunteers needed, especially to help set up Christmas Tree. Biscuits, juice and coffee will be available in the Breakfast Bar Area!

~December 15, 2024 – Choir Christmas Presentation, Morning Worship.

~December 15, 2024 – Church Christmas Party! 5:30 pm, FLC.  Please see sign-up sheet for finger foods, in the left side room.  For questions, see Cindy Ashenfelder or any member of Social Team.

~Children’s Ministry/Youth Ministry Sign-in/out sheet in Educational Building Hallway.  Parents/Guardians, please sign/initial in/out your child attending any of the Children or Youth Ministry Programs.

~Parents/Guardians visiting for the first time with a child attending Children’s Church.  Please accompany your child for check-in on their first visit to Children’s Church for a brief conversation with the Children’s Church Teacher.

~Please pick up WMU Booklets of from front bulletin table and/or Educational Building hallway in the bulletin/magazine rack.

~Collecting soda can pop top tabs for Ronald McDonald House.  The box is located in the front left side room of the sanctuary.   

~Newspapers for PAWS – Collection box in the Educational Building Hallway

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