Pottery Brunch - May 24, 2024, 11:00 am - 1 pm

There will be a brunch buffet and 3 choices for your pottery project. The pottery session will be lead by a professional pottery instructor, upon completion of the session the pottery items will be taken by the professional instructor to be placed in the kiln and a date and time set for pick up. Please register and pay through Tithe.ly, go to https://tithe.ly/event-registration/#/9873757



Secret Sister:   We are back with our Secret Sister Ministry, we picked names/profiles and we have enjoyed seeing the different gifts showing up in different places in the church and FLC for the ladies, to help lift them up and help them celebrate the holidays, birthdays, special occassions and the "just because" gifts.  We hope to be planning a gathering soon to get the ladies together for a meal and fellowship in the FLC.  We will keep you informed.

If there are any other ideas you have or outreaches you would like to see the ladies involved in, please feel free to contact Penny Boothe.

Secret Sister Activity:   


The schedule is one meeting a month - the first Saturday of the month, 10:00 am - 12:00 in the Family Life Center.  We believe in missional living.  We are more like Christ when we serve others.  Is God calling you to move outside the walls of your church?  Find ways you and your church can be the catalyst to take Jesus to the people in your community and around the world!

Mrs. Kim Saylors will be conducting a Women's Missionary Union group at Hopewell the first Saturday of each month, 10:00 am - 12:00 noon, in the Family Life Center.

If you are unfamiliar with WMU, it is a historic ministry of the Southern Baptist Convention, which was created to support mission support all across the globe.

These meetings will consist of bible study, mission projects, prayer, and fellowship! For questions, please contact Kim Saylors - ksaymom@hotmail.com.

So if you are a lady interested, and you would like to be a part of the WMU, please let Kim know so she can order you a book/journal. If you would like to be a part, click the link below and fill out the form to sign up:


Dot Ayers WMU Activities:

~Ronald McDonald House - Collecting can tabs all year.  Collection box in front entrance area.

~Regular meetings the first Saturday of each month, 10:00 am - 12:00.