
Words from Kim

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Hi Ladies,
I hope that your week is starting out well.  We were able to drop off 20 propane tanks and $20 in monetary donations to be delivered to N.C. for our March meetings mission project, so thank you for your donations and thanks to Martha and Frank for driving and helping deliver.  Thank you to Ann and Katie for taking the extra burgers to the blessing box to help feed those in need. 
For our April 5th meeting our mission project is snacks for the kids at Helping Hands of Clemson.  So, bring snacks that you know kids of all ages like to munch on.  Audrey will be speaking for April so please come and show your support for her.  I will be traveling back from out of town that day and should be back for Sunday.
The menu will be Sub sandwiches, macaroni salad, potato salad, chips, desert, drinks
Please respond to this email with what you will bring so everyone can see what is covered and still needed.
Sub sandwich buns
Sub sandwich meat
sub sandwich dressing
mayonnaise & mustard
macaroni salad
potato salad
Have a great rest of the week!
Love in Christ,

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