
Ladies Night Out!

Lno5 original

5:30 pm

Ladies come join us for an evening of sharing, learning, food, fun, special words and music. With our special guest:

Brooke Long and Emilee Burdette from NewLife Fellowship, sharing their testimony & songs.


You can sponsor a table and decorate it as you wish (round or rectangle table), each table seats 6, that can be any 5 guest you

wish to invite to join you at your table.  If you don’t wish to

sponsor a table, please join us at one of the decorated guest tables.

(If you sponsor a table you can come to the church on Friday, May 17 at 5-7:00pm or on May 18 at 4-5:00 pm to decorated your table.)


Cost:  $8.00 per person, includes meal, drinks and entertainment.  Meal:  BBQ, slaw, baked beans, mac & cheese, provided by Andy Webb.


Deadline to sign-up – May 10, 2024

Sign-up and pay online:

As a Table Sponsor:

As a Guest of a Table Sponsor or a Guest of a Decorated Guest Table:

Or send an email to and pay on, clicking on Designated – Ladies Night Out!

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